Archive for April 15th, 2007


Youngblood, Spam & Sins

April 15, 2007

so this may look like an addition to my last post but it isn’t… it’s just as random but it’s not an addition… it includes things i like and hate.. but it’s not an addition.. it’s not points.. it’s just more pics.. and a song to download.. and some other random things i do online and off…

– I’m addicted to the Youngblood Brass Band… i got to know them through ZeeCu‘s blog, and loved the song he’d posted… so i was curious to hear some more, and it ended up with me searching and searching and searching until i found their whole discography.. so what do i do? i download it..

Young Blood Brass Band

and i’m addicted to every track.. some are plain brass and drums, others have rap in them, others have some interesting vocals… But my favorite is called Bonne Refinery and it’s amazing, it has the rap, the BEATS (aham shay, turn up the bass when u listen to this one) and the horns lol so download it and enjoy… i WILL be writing an “Introducing:…” post about them soon, just lemme reseach 3adel and choose another song to upload for your enjoyment 😀

– My spam is funny. Just click on the pic and read the names and titles:

My Spam

aham shay the sex is good, oo  that i shouldn’t waste my time LOL oo ham ba3ad the dude who’s worried about last wednesday oo the dude who’s very happy to find something oo the guy who asked me why some ppl are angry… oo the job offer… i think they want me to sell pills while using better wording than “wanna pillies?” :p

And apparently i’m a moderately angry & proud sloth lol:

My 7 Sins

oh, AND i get to download some hot Mp3-Quality Ringtones… Find out what your sins are here.

in other news, Teaching is still fun and exciting.. the best thing that happened today shocked me.. a student who i don’t know came up to me and just said “Miss, I admire you”… it was a shock, so my reply was “uhm.. wow… thank you, i’m flattered…. and.. uhm… right back at’cha?”

that was dumb, i know lol but what do u respond to that?! i was so shocked, flattered and happy, THAT was my response… ashek ina she’d keep admiring with that response lol

bs it was a nice surprise so i thought i had to post about it…

oo bs…. now i’m bored with blogging, so lemme just post a picture that made me laugh… (warning: bathroom humor, duurty, NOT witty :p) and leave you guys while i go finish my teacher-y duties of correcting WorkBooks and writing notes for the students to fix their handwriting, write in pencil and stop using a red pen to answer the questions lol

Karaker LOL