Archive for the ‘Pissed Off’ Category


Note To All The Fasting People

September 18, 2007

I’m taking advantage of the fact that it’s post-fu6oor, so i can cuss 3ala ra7ti… Here’s what I have to say:

Just because you’re fasting in Ramadan, it doesn’t give you an excuse to become really big a$$holes!

Hungry Person does NOT equal Complete Bitch!

Sure, you’re tired and back from work in the middle of traffic, but you’re IN YOUR CAR and u have that goregous COLD AC IN YOUR FACE and it’s not like you’re late for lunch of anything, so take your effing time!

Relax! Everybody knows traffic is horrible after work, so just call your wife/mom/flat-mate and tell them the traffic situation, turn on some quiet music or some Holy Quran and RELAX!